6 Conclusions

In general, Las Palmas islands have mild and moderate wave conditions traveling mainly form de N-NE directional sector. There are sporadic severe events, with low frequency of occurrence, approaching mainly from the north and northeast flanks. Nevertheless, these exposed flanks are sheltered from such extreme events and inter-island maritime traffic routes try to avoid, as far as possible, navigation in areas exposed to such events. Nevertheless, sometimes due to severe wave storms approaching from the N-NW sector and in very rare cases due to storms with a pronounced southerly component, inter-islands maritime traffic in the Las Palmas province has to be interrupted causing considerable socioeconomic negative impacts.

According to the estimation made from the consumption side, in case of a disruption, detour, or delay, the destination island would be losing hundreds of euros. In summer, in addition to having more tourists, they also are willing to spend more money, thus, for instance, in August, in case of some maritime disruption, Fuerteventura’s economy would be losing around € 7 thousands, Las Palmas’ economy € 5.5 thousand, Lanzarote’s economy € 3.5 thousand, and La Graciosa’s economy € 464 every hour.

The first and most important is to my family, Ani, and my friends, who have always given me their support, otherwise I could not be here doing this. Also, I would like to thank my tutor, Germán Rodríguez for guide me in doing this research, his teammate Daniel Guerra, and Camila Stempels for their collaboration. Finally, I would like to thank Fred Olsen Express company and Puertos del Estado institution for providing disruption traffic data and meteoceanic data respectively.